Man is the greatest resource the world will ever know. Each and every human being possesses something no animal, vegetable or mineral possess. The ability to reason.
With he ability to reason, man looked into the ground one day and decided that oil was a natural resource that could be used.
With the ability to reason, man looked into the sand, plentiful useless sand - and saw the computer ship.
With the ability to reason, man looked into his fields and saw new ways of growing crops that now feed the whole world.
With the ability to reason, man invented ways to desalinate ocean water so that he can drink it himself and water his crops.
With the ability to reason, man is learning ways to grow food in the ocean, to harness the sun, to build in space.
Those are few among the litany of proof of man's ability to reason, but man always forget to reason out that first and foremost he is called by his Creator to build a culture of life. Although God created the environment perfect, man has blatantly misused it. As man's needs become sophisticated, his inventions, discoveries and productions likewise has become sophisticated at the expense of the environment, at the expense of life. To man, God had entrusted the care of life. We must be absolutely pro-life in our words and deeds. Our ability to reason must be in congruent with the reason of God - to respect and promote the dignity of life.