Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Ability to Reason

Human Beings Are the Ultimate Resource (Pro-Life Philippines)
Man is the greatest resource the world will ever know. Each and every human being possesses something no animal, vegetable or mineral possess. The ability to reason.
With he ability to reason, man looked into the ground one day and decided that oil was a natural resource that could be used.
With the ability to reason, man looked into the sand, plentiful useless sand - and saw the computer ship.
With the ability to reason, man looked into his fields and saw new ways of growing crops that now feed the whole world.
With the ability to reason, man invented ways to desalinate ocean water so that he can drink it himself and water his crops.
With the ability to reason, man is learning ways to grow food in the ocean, to harness the sun, to build in space.
Those are few among the litany of proof of man's ability to reason, but man always forget to reason out that first and foremost he is called by his Creator to build a culture of life. Although God created the environment perfect, man has blatantly misused it. As man's needs become sophisticated, his inventions, discoveries and productions likewise has become sophisticated at the expense of the environment, at the expense of life. To man, God had entrusted the care of life. We must be absolutely pro-life in our words and deeds. Our ability to reason must be in congruent with the reason of God - to respect and promote the dignity of life.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Challenge in a world of talking

I came across with this statement: "Mentors in a world of talking: Children who are still in their formative years  need your expert handling of the English speech." The challenge is this: the image that we project of ourselves by the way we talk, does affect people's perception of us and of our profession. A public official who cannot enunciate well, a church preacher who shouts at everybody when under stress, a businessman who talks to his clients with plenty of grammatical errors, all these manners of communication for sure does not "speak well" nor "sound well" of the persons and of the professions they represent. We need to acquire good communicative skills if we are to be effective speakers in a world of talking.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


you have not lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you

Words for quiet moment

Think of this....
  • I am important not because I am well fed and educated but because GOD OWNS ME. How precious, then am I?What was paid for me? I know, you know it too. God purchased me at the price of His precious blood. Every precious drop of the blood of the Son of God. Since I am God's property, I must live up to my dignity.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Handmaid's Credo

I believe in the most Holy Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit who called me to live the utmost plenitude of my Baptismal Consecration. I believe that I am called to the community of the Handmaids. I believe that everyone is God's precious gift to me. I believe in treating others with charity. I believe in consecrating myself to the Lady of the Annunciation, the model of all handmaids, and with her FIAT, I listen, say "yes", and do. I believe that wisdom is a profit gained from my prayer life. I believe that the whole world and all that is in it is the House of God. I believe that my mission is to serve the Household of God, making it a home always ready to receive its divine host. This is my belief and because of this I understand all.

The Wonder of Being Loved

Filled w/ Love
My grateful heart is filled with love, for I am blessed by God above.
My needs are met when I ask and I find strength for every task.
I've known of course challenges and pains, but now I count them as priceless gains.
I offered my heart to be His dwelling place, and He lavished me with his abundant grace. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Handmeyden's Psalm 136

MY PSALM 136 - God's Love is Everlasting
a prayer of admiration for the marvels of God I join the psalmist in the litany of thanksgiving. I and my own Litany of Gifts and Blessings I have received from the Lord during my whole Life.
My Own Psalm 136
I give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His Love endures forever
He alone does great marvels, His love endures forever
I was born to God-fearing parents, His love endures forever
The Handmaids' home a paradise He prepared for me, His love endures forever
He choose me from among lovely women in my hometown, His love endures forever
He let the seed of vocation to be a Handmaid, His love endures forever
He planted me and watered me with abundant blessings, His love endures forever
He let me grow and spread my branches, His love endures forever.
This marvelous work He has done on me, I will never forget that His love for me endures forever